Scene Four
The big day was here, the day when they'll be saying goodbye to their childhood long hair. And yet there was no feeling of regret, it was all a new exciting adventure they'll be having together. While sitting in the high chairs at the salon, Sal and Pepper felt light-hearted, laughing about the hair buns on their head and daring each other with stories.
- My buns are shaped like bunnies, said Sal. Look, they moved! Help me Pepper, they're eating the grass on my head! Pepper looked intently at Sal's head and reassured him: - Oh, don't worry, they aren't eating anything, there is no grass there. Not anymore, she added. They both laughed at the idea. Pepper then continued: - Look Sal, what do you think of my hair buns? Don't they look like puppies? And I think they wanna come over and play with your bunnies. - Let them come, answered Sal laughing. My bunnies are so fast, the puppies will never catch them! And if I want, I change them into kangaroos and they'll run like the wind: whoosh... Of course, none of the hair buns were either bunnies or puppies, or anything remotely similar, but that was a totally irrelevant point. What mattered was that they had cute little animals chasing each other on their heads and that will be the official story that this day will be remembered for. |